Cañada en
Transhumant trails that connect traditional shepherding locations in Spain. Shepherds and cattle farmers used them to take their livestock to the best pastures. They connected the winter pastures to the mountains used in summer.
These roads are an extensive and valuable piece of natural and cultural heritage. They are still used today for livestock, and contribute to conserving wild flora and fauna.
Cañada real (royal drover’s road): drover’s road for transhumant livestock that must have a width of 90 Castilian vara (75.22 m). They were regulated by the royal edict of Alfonso X ‘the Wise’, in 1273.
In Spain, the royal drover’s road network is 125,000 km long.
The main royal drover’s roads are:
. Cañada Real de La Vizana o de la Plata.
. Cañada Real Leonesa Occidental.
. Cañada Real Leonesa Oriental.
. Cañada Real burgalesa.
. Cañada Real Segoviana.
. Cañada Real Galiana (Riojana).
. Cañada Real Soriana Occidental.
. Cañada Real Soriana Oriental.
. Cañada Real Conquense.
. Cañada del Reino de Valencia.